Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Heat, humidity, and making it happen

Howdy from the hot, hot, hot humid beach in North Carolina! Did I say HOT? UGH!! We got to Raleigh and ran 7 miles. We sweltered. On saturday we headed to Ocean Isle Beach where Jen's family holds an annual family reunion. In the midst of hotter than usual temps, we ran our 18 mile run. Our longest run to date. The night before we made our route...not too hard since there are essentially 2 parallel streets and that is it. It ended up being a 9 mile loop which was perfect for our need to do 18 miles. We were able to stop at the cottage for water/gatorade refills and along the way cooled off with hoses at others cottages along the way.
It was miserable, but done. What we realized on the way was that we are truly in "Maintenence Zone".....We have swum the distance, we have biked well over the distance....and have 2 more long runs (19 &20) left in training. Yahoo!!! Just maintain where we are essentially. That feels like a relief as I am really tired of training.

Today Jen and I rode our beach cruiser bikes. This is the first year I have been able to do that. Give me my road bike and I'll ride 200 miles in a day, but give me a beach cruiser and I'm suddenly 4 and need training wheels. I am freaked out about the pedal brakes. I can't ride upright and I look like Pee Wee Herman. I get panicky. It is all ridiculous really. Not to mention embarassing. I mean come on, who can't ride a beach cruiser!??! But this year, I managed! We rode for an hour and then went and played in the waves to cool off.

I super hate to work out when I am not in my normal environment so I am very happy to be 'making it happen' on the road!

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