Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The last few.....

Have you ever been on a roller coaster ride that just seems to go on and on forever? Have you ever taken a road trip and the last 20 miles feel more like 110 miles? That's how I feel about training. It feels like it is never actually going to end!!

Intellectually I want to be digging into this time, taking all I can from these final days of preparation. But you see, I am not an athlete. I am not trained in the fine art of competition. I always 'race' to finish. I 'race' for the experience of going the distance. My euphoric thrill comes from meeting the challenge head on, getting across the finish line and knowing that I did it, in my time. My thrill does NOT come from winning, placing or being an age-grouper. As such, emotionally I want to be done preparing. These last few midweek workouts are so hard. Not b/c the distance is long or difficult, but b/c I'm tired. That's it, I'm tired. I have no other excuse, I just don't feel like training. I am excited to go, I am excited to get in the game, I'm excited about the event. I am not excited about my midweek workouts. I am ready to go on vacation!

These next few days and week of preparation are tough. I just want to pack my stuff and fly out of here. The anticipation is killing me! All I can think about is packing lists, travel preparation, race day plans, agendas for the week in Madison and having some fun. Do I really have to keep training? I know, I know. I'm heading out for my morning run.

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