Friday, August 29, 2008


Greetings all! I've learned over the last few days that more people than I knew have been following this blog. Thank you. It's been an amazing journey, though seemingly impossible at times, always amazing. All of your support, your kind words, your haiku (yes we received supportive poetry!), your laughter, your massages, your love and your friendship, your food, and your emergency vehicles helped me get here. Without your undying support and encouragement this would have been certainly impossible. It is a gift to share the training experiences with you and it is an honor to carry a piece of each of you with me as I take on this big day.

Yesterday I shipped Tula and Pepper (jennifer and trina's) bikes to WI. It was surreal. I have spent so much time on Tula this season that I have developed something of a relationship with her (don't laugh....more than a 1000 miles on her this year means something!). :) But it was also the greatest sign that this journey is about to come to its pinnacle. We are near the apex of this fantastic, exhausting, transformative adventure. I can hardly believe it.

For those of you who are interested, you can track our race day progress 'live' online the day of the race (Sunday, Sept 7, start time: 07:00 a.m.). The first link below are the instructions, the second link is the website that you will use on race day to track our progress. We promise to have picture albums posted ASAP after race day.
Link 1:
Link 2:

Here are a few more great videos about Ironman. The first is about women at Ironman and the 2nd and 3rd capture the Ironman spirit. Maybe you'll be inspired to join us next year. HOOYAH!

Thank you again for your support and encouragement!!!
Love you all!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your journey. It is inspiring to experience the dedication and commitment it has taken for you beautiful women to reach out and grasp this achievement in your lives. Congratulations and we'll see you in Madison!!!!!!

Mom and Poppy

Lisa said...

I SOOOO wish I could be there to cheer you guys on! :) I'll be thinking about you all day. You're amazing!